Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Latest page completions

So I've been a busy bee lately. I've been working on several projects for customers as well as a holiday cookbook that contains 20 holiday inspired recipes. These are for sale for $20 and I can ship for an additional $2. Three of the pages are listed below. The others are pages of my own and a baby girl "1st year" book I did for a customer.


Well, the social networking bug has hit me. I've seen the success on Facebook that crafty businesses have - so I've joined them!

Visit my page on facebook: Megan's Creative Creations (you can search it too on FB).

I'm hoping to add lots of fans who enjoy my work and will also be able to see projects I am working on, be able to inquire about my services as well as post sales and specials and do giveaways and comment sales.

Please click LIKE and suggest to your friends!
